Published Papers
(for working paper version of the published papers, please visit my SSRN page)
Military Dictatorship and the Provision of Public Goods (with Shabana Mitra) forthcoming, Oxford Development Studies
Precautionary Savings and Rural-to-Urban Migration: Evidence from Chinese Hukou Status (with Guowen Chen and Steve DeLoach) forthcoming, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
Home-Based Work Decisions among Bangladeshi Women (with Aphichoke Kotikula) Asian Development Review. Vol. 40, No. 01, 2023: 79-111
Despairing Communities in the United States (with Tom Tiemann) forthcoming, Economics Bulletin
College Readiness, Early Post-Secondary Academic Performance and the GED Degree: Evidence from Kentucky (with Katy Rouse) The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. Vol. 22, No. 1, 2022: 67-98
International Comparisons of Poverty in South Asia. (with David Newhouse and Monica Yanez-Pagans) Asian Development Review. Vol 38. No. 1, March, 2021 (also available here)
The impact of population agglomeration of an area on its neighbors – Evidence from the US Annals of Regional Science. Vol 65, Issue 1, August 2020: 1-26
Multidimensional Human Opportunity Index (with Shabana Mitra) Social Indicators Research. vol 130, Issue 2, January 2017: 523-535
“Investigating the Impact of Historical Factors on the Present Level of Income Inequality in the United States” Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 25, No 3-4, 2016
Estimating the elasticity of growth in the US using the generalized means of income Social Indicators Research. Volume 129, Issue 3, October, 2016: 95-112
On persistent poverty in a rich country (with Jenny Minier and Jim Ziliak) Southern Economic Journal. Vol. 81, Issue 3. January, 2015: 653-678
An exercise to evaluate an anti-poverty program with multiple outcomes using program evaluation Economics Letters, Vol. 122, No. 2. February, 2014: 365-369
Childhood neighborhood conditions and the persistence of adult income Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 43, No. 4. July, 2013: 684-693
Military Dictatorship and the Provision of Public Goods (with Shabana Mitra) forthcoming, Oxford Development Studies
Precautionary Savings and Rural-to-Urban Migration: Evidence from Chinese Hukou Status (with Guowen Chen and Steve DeLoach) forthcoming, Economics of Transition and Institutional Change
Home-Based Work Decisions among Bangladeshi Women (with Aphichoke Kotikula) Asian Development Review. Vol. 40, No. 01, 2023: 79-111
Despairing Communities in the United States (with Tom Tiemann) forthcoming, Economics Bulletin
College Readiness, Early Post-Secondary Academic Performance and the GED Degree: Evidence from Kentucky (with Katy Rouse) The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. Vol. 22, No. 1, 2022: 67-98
International Comparisons of Poverty in South Asia. (with David Newhouse and Monica Yanez-Pagans) Asian Development Review. Vol 38. No. 1, March, 2021 (also available here)
The impact of population agglomeration of an area on its neighbors – Evidence from the US Annals of Regional Science. Vol 65, Issue 1, August 2020: 1-26
Multidimensional Human Opportunity Index (with Shabana Mitra) Social Indicators Research. vol 130, Issue 2, January 2017: 523-535
“Investigating the Impact of Historical Factors on the Present Level of Income Inequality in the United States” Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 25, No 3-4, 2016
Estimating the elasticity of growth in the US using the generalized means of income Social Indicators Research. Volume 129, Issue 3, October, 2016: 95-112
On persistent poverty in a rich country (with Jenny Minier and Jim Ziliak) Southern Economic Journal. Vol. 81, Issue 3. January, 2015: 653-678
An exercise to evaluate an anti-poverty program with multiple outcomes using program evaluation Economics Letters, Vol. 122, No. 2. February, 2014: 365-369
Childhood neighborhood conditions and the persistence of adult income Regional Science and Urban Economics Vol. 43, No. 4. July, 2013: 684-693